Thursday, July 7, 2011

Qualification for Spiritual advancement


Srimad Bhagavatam 4.22.24


A candidate for spiritual advancement must be nonviolent, must follow in the footsteps of great ācāryas, must always remember the nectar of the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, must follow the regulative principles without material desire and, while following the regulative principles, should not blaspheme others. A devotee should lead a very simple life and not be disturbed by the duality of opposing elements. He should learn to tolerate them.

Another important point mentioned in this connection is anindayā — we should not criticize others' methods of religion. There are different types of religious systems operating under different qualities of material nature. Those operating in the modes of ignorance and passion cannot be as perfect as that system in the mode of goodness. In Bhagavad-gītā everything has been divided into three qualitative divisions; therefore religious systems are similarly categorized. When people are mostly under the modes of passion and ignorance, their system of religion will be of the same quality. A devotee, instead of criticizing such systems, will encourage the followers to stick to their principles so that gradually they can come to the platform of religion in goodness. Simply by criticizing them, a devotee's mind will be agitated. Thus a devotee should tolerate and learn to stop agitation.

Another feature of the devotee is nirīhayā, simple living. Nirīhā means "gentle," "meek" or "simple." A devotee should not live very gorgeously and imitate a materialistic person. Plain living and high thinking are recommended for a devotee. He should accept only so much as he needs to keep the material body fit for the execution of devotional service. He should not eat or sleep more than is required. Simply eating for living, and not living for eating, and sleeping only six to seven hours a day are principles to be followed by devotees. As long as the body is there it is subjected to the influence of climatic changes, disease and natural disturbances, the threefold miseries of material existence. We cannot avoid them. Sometimes we receive letters from neophyte devotees questioning why they have fallen sick, although pursuing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. They should learn from this verse that they have to become tolerant (dvandva-titikṣayā). This is the world of duality. One should not think that because he has fallen sick he has fallen from Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kṛṣṇa consciousness can continue without impediment from any material opposition. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa therefore advises in Bhagavad-gītā (2.14), tāḿs titikṣasva bhārata: "My dear Arjuna, please try to tolerate all these disturbances. Be fixed in your Kṛṣṇa conscious activities."

Prthu Mahraj meeting with four Kumaras. In this one sloka the qualifications required for a candidate make progressive spiritual advancement are described. In the sector of this purport there is emphasis on the essential needs to control the senses. Do not criticize others and to live a humble simple life by which one can tolerate the dualities of material nature.

The senses are addicted to the pleasures which comes from the contact of the objects of senses. This conditioning is from time that cannot be possibly traced back. The desire for sense gratification is so very deeply rooted in the heart. In this world if a person is addicted to anything for a long duration of time very very difficult to extract ones activities from that effect.

If a person has been smoking or drinking alcohol for 30 to 40 years, It has become such a interpart of our life, really people look for shelter in these things. We become habituated to take shelter in our bad habits.

We have all seen someone addicted to cigrattes, that habit due to conditioning creates such cravings that mentally as well as physiologically that every part is longing from seperation for that experiance of that poisoning nicotin smoke coming to their lungs they become so disturbed, so agitated that literally seeking shelter to the cigarette. We are habituated to that conditioning so we get some relief to that addiction.

Actually every type of sense gratification is at same nature people become addicted to sex life. Idea of sex life from scriptures is apparently pleasure but actually it is not why people needed so much, it is not pleasure, it is because they are addicted to it, without it there is so much pain. So much anguish so much agitation and people take shelter of the so called pleasure because it relieves then of the suffering of being without it because material addiction, material conditioning. Every type of sense gratification is a source of shelter to the conditional soul to relieve him or her from the boredem agitations of the world.

The impersonalists they try to annihilae all of these desires. But it is very difficult since time immorial for milloons and millions of birth we have perpetuated this chronic addiction and now we want to just give it up. Some people are addicted to sense gratification in mode of passion or ignorance. From the mode of goodness we can give it up altogether. For those who are in mode of ignorance and passion they should learn what is sense gratificaion in mode of goodness. But everyone is addicte.

Effects of anger


How Brahma himself gave birth to Dharma from his own breast. Dharma was married to the 13 daughters of Daksha. One of the queens name is Muraki and from the womb of her came the advent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead of Nara Narayana Rishi.

Then they performed great austerities on the holy land of Badrikashramam in the high feets of Himalayas. The austerities they were performing were to severe infact the Lord was displaying his own oppulance of renunciation. It cannot possibly immitated by any mortal for infinite testimonial of jiva. Indhra became very fearful. Materialistic people are always thinking that everyone thinks like themselves. The world is the mirror of one's own mind. Where ever we look we see our own consciousness. He was thinking I am attached to the beautiful swarkaloka and I have performed such tapasya to attain it so therefore anyone performing tapasya their aim must be to take my post.

So Kamadev created a whole atmosphere was so inducive to the material enjoyment all of his strength and powers were being aimed at Nara Narayan Rishis. So people became very much afraid. Lord was so kindly benevolently smiled at Kama dev and all of his associated and told them do not fear, you are my honored and welcomed guests to have come to sanctify my ashram so please accept my gifts from me of my hospitality. when they saw there is no pride and when there is no price there can be no anger.

They were astounded and they bowed down seeking the compassion of the Lord and began to praise him, that we the demigods we put so many obstacles in front of peoples especially the Lord's devotees but those who are protecte by you O'Lord can easily cross the ocean of all obstacles before them.

Those who do not surrener to you will be easily be consumed and drowned by this ocean and somehow or other if by the power of the mystic austerities, they can cross the whole ocean of material attraction, they beocme proud by doing so and when they become proud, they easily become angry and the little puddle which is the size of the foot print of the path which represents anger these persons are mustics and not devoted to you after crossing the whole ocean of material tempations they drowned in the foot print of little path in the form of wrath and anger and loose all of their austerities.

But you are the Lord you are completely Absolute transcedental personality and those who take the shelter of you acheived your special mercy. So Nara Narayanan just to show who is Godhead from his body emanated beautiful, heavenly females that made all the cupids female pale, and ugly in comparison.

The demigods after seeing not only seeing all their senses were completely infactuated, bewildered and conquered by the sight of these beautiful ladies. But Nara Narayan rishis have no attraction for any of them.

Srila Prabupada explains in the purport that the confectioner who is making sweet meats everyone else is attracted to sweet and he is not attracted.

So the Lord who manifests he is perfect an satisfied by himself. He told the demigods to take one of the beautiful ladies and take them with you as my present.

So they chose Urvasi and she was brought back to Indhra loka, Kamadev explained to Indhra about what happened. Indhra was frightened a rakand ashamed but very happy to see urvasi and she became the crown jewel of all the pleasurable heavenly pastimes.

Infact without herthe heavenly abode appeared to be without any excitement, so this is the glory of Nara Narayan rishis. Here Sukadeva Goswami explained how unprecedented is the Supreme power of Godhead in the form of renunciation that he is comparing him to the greatest stalwarts. In this universe there is no greatest stalwarts in tapasya then Lord Shiva. When he was making a comparison, Lord Shiva and Sati had already burned themselves to ashes in the yagya of the Daksha and she took birth again as the daughter of himanan the presiding murti of the Himalayas and her name is Parvati or himavati. From her earliest youth she was naturally attracted to lord Shiva and she was performing tapasya to get lord shiva as her husband. Meanwhile lord Shiva was sitting in his yoga samadhi meditating on the Supreme Lord Krishna's pastimes within his own heard and hje was so completely immersed in the meditation, but that time a great demon named Taraka he was conquering all the world.

The demigods has no power to extend his anger so they understood after consulting with higher authorities that the only person who would be competent to kill this demon is the son of Lord Shiva but at that time there is no son. So Indhra again to protect his abode he sent Kamadev to Shiva because no one else can get him out of his Samadhi. Kamadev created all around the most attractive and impulsive atmosphere towards temptation.

Lord Shiva was totally unmoved. Kamadev has bow and arrow, and he took and shot at the heart of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was disturbed and looked for him in all directions.

He found kamadev and Shiva out of wrath being disturbed his third eye opened from that eye came a fire that burned cupid to ashes. Meanwhile Kamadev's consort Rati was very much sad, to see her husband in a pile of ashes, so she prayed to Lord Shiva to give her husband Lord Shiva is ashotosh, he is easily pleased and living beings. He told Rati he will become the son of Lord Krishna and there you will be reunited.

Meanwhile a demon Sambara had very powerful mystic power and great wealth and he was told the son of Krishna and Rukmini will kill him. So meanwhile Lord Krishna recently leve Vrindavan with Uncle Akrura and had gone to Matura, he satisfied Vasudev and devaki and also satisfied and promised that he will destroy all the demons in the world. He decided to move to Dwarka since so many demons were attacking Matura. He married Rukmini. They had a son named Pradyumna. He is the incarnation of Kamadev. The demon Sambara kmow that Pradyumna will kill him.

Sambara disguised himself as beautiful lady and kidnapped pradyumna and threw the baby into the ocean. Rukmini was very sad their hearts are broken, the first child who is the beauty and charm had been taken away. Days and days went by searching everywhere. Obviously they taught he would be killed. If Krishna wants to protect you nothing can harm you, if Krishna has to harm you nothing can protect you.

But the little child living in that ocean was swallowed by a big fish and not a blade of grass moved without the sanction of the Lord. He was orchestrating every movement such as it is favorable for oppurtunity for all of us to make spiritual advancement and we must recognize that in good or bad times, honor or dishonor pleasure or pain, we should know that Krishna is putting us in such situation to help us surrender to him.

This case how many are fishes are in the ocean, billions and billions are there. This particular fish which caught Pradyumna, and he was living in the belly of the fish comfortably by the mercy of the Lord. A fisherman caught the fish. Fisherman went to the palace of Sambara selling fish. Fisherman went to palace of Sambara selling fish. So Sambara ate fish since he is a Rakshasa. So Sambara was happy to get that fish and the cook was about to prepare, he cut open the fish and the beautiful baby was there.

Rati Kamadev's consort, she took the position of assistant cook in the kitchen of Sambara, she only cooked rice and dhal. When the baby was taken out, just at that time Narada Muni appeared. He explained to Rati, and told her about the previous life about Kamadev and Rati. She became caring for the baby and bathed him, cared for him and waiting for the moment to grow up.

Very quickly the child started growing and growing mystically very beautifully. In a matter of days she asked glancing upon him and started indicating that they should enjoy and Pradyumna got bewildered by looking at all this.

He said you are my mother how can you do this. But actually I am not you mother, I am your consort, she explained everything to him. So she said you should kill this Sambara and go back to Mother Rukmini and Father Krishna. But Rukmini the day you have gone she is weeping and crying by the loss of the son. So Mayavathi she instructed Pradyumna about how to fight Sambara the wife became the Guru which is very common to these days. So Pradyumna went before Sambara and started insulting him.

His choice words were so pierceful to the heart. He created such anger is Sambara's mind and Pradyumna said, I challenge you to fight. They began to fight and Sambara understood that he was the son of Krishna, Sambara went upto the sky, he was trained by Maya he has Mahamaya powers. But Mayavati trained up Pradyumna in Maha viji powers which is more powerful which is coming from God.

Maha Maya powers are coming from illusory energy. As they were fighting Sambara was throwing everytype or weapon which was easily destroyed by Pradyumna. When nothing left Pradyumna took a sword and cut off Sambara.Then Mayavati said she will transfer both of them airways to Dwaraka. They immediately flew to Dwaraka. Mayavati landed her mystical airship right in the palace of Krishna and Rukmini so many beautiful ladies seeing his beautiful form they thought he is Krishna they were embarrassed then they found that he did not have certain features he is not Krishna.

Rukmini saw this child and know that she must be her child. There was wonderful festival of celeberation for the return of Pradyumna.

Through this wonderful story we understand Lord Shiva who conquered lust was still subjected to wrath. But Nara Narayan rishi not only he conquered lust when the cupid came to do the same thing to him Nara Narayan rishi was completely composed and respectful and actually adorned gifts to people. This is the nature of Supreme personality of God head.

We have heard how Lord Shiva himself is very happy and proud to be devoted by Mohini murti just to show how Krishna is better than me. I am his servant. Wrath is one of the great enemy that must be controlled somehow or the other.

Bhagavad Gita 3.37

sri-bhagavan uvaca
kama esa krodha esa
mahasano maha-papma
viddhy enam iha vairinam

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material modes of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring, sinful enemy of this world.

Lust is the great sinful enemy when it is unfullfilled it creates wrath. When there is a wrath there is an offense and when there is offense they fall down into material existance lower and lower.

To control anger is very difficult and they are all interconnected. Gita says there are three gates which leads to hell. Lust, anger and greed. Any sane man should give them up because they lead to the degradation of the soul. Krishna explains the whole cycle about how one falls into the material life.

First is attraction between the object of the senses and senses. From that attraction come attachment and lust (kama), longing and craving to enjoy something. Whatever we enjoy we naturally become attached. That is the nature of the sould which is to find unlimited enjoyment in being enjoyed by Krishna and therefore one becomes unlimitedly attached to Krishna and that that is perfection of life.

Lord Kapila dev had said the path of perfection is to transfer your attachment from material enjoyment and becoming attached to Sadhus who are the advanced devotees of the Lor. Because they always bring the conciousness to the Lotus feet of the Lord. Through that process you become attached to Krishna and then you become detached from everything in this world then you dont have any more birth and death.

In material existance one becomes attached and that attachment is frustrating and we become angry. We become overwhelmed by that angry sensation. Srila Prabupada says when your chest becomes hot. Breathing become quiver, eyes become red, and your memory/intelligence becomes bewildered. You could no longer think like a same person. You are not thinking systematically.

If I say something now that will do in future we should always be calculating like that. When there is anger we become an animal, become ceased by the moment and react like fire then speak harshly, a terrible act. People when intoxicated they become angry easily. Lusty frustration anger like Ravana, Jagai and Madai. When memory is bewildered -> Intelligence is lost -> Speak and act which will degrade yourself.

Anger is your worst enemy.

Lust and anger are consorts of one another. If you do not curb the lust in the begining it will inevitably bring anger. Story of Vishwamithra Muni did a great tapasya without eating or sleeping for years performing meditation in between fire and ice for years at a time, undisturbed he did not move a limb of his body.

Indhra thought he wants his abode, through Kamadev he send Menaka. Vishwamithra muni got disturbed with little clinging on the bangles. Maya means it is not enjoyable but appears beautiful. In this world thre are two principles that is always bewildereing our mind.
1. Attraction
2. Aversion

BG 18.54
brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā
na śocati na kāńkṣati
samaḥ sarveṣu bhūteṣu
mad-bhaktiḿ labhate parām

One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.

Hankering and lamenting; attraction and aversion are the two sides of the coin. Either one will cripple your spiritual progress. We cannot become devoted if we are attached to material energy. If we are averse they we cannot become devoted to Krishna. Because aversed devotees are fanatic. When Mahraj was new to the movement some brahmacharis say woman are Maya dont look at them we hate them and now everyone them have wife and children. So aversion means that they are attached/attracted and somehow trying to counteract that in an immature way by being averse. But actual elevation means to become indifferent not attractive/not aversed. A certain type of respectful aversion for Maya must be there.

Too much aversion is simply other side of attraction. Therefore in Krishna Consciousness we want to fix our consciousness of Krishna we must be free from aversion and attraction to material energy. Rupa Goswami says a person in this type of consciousness is the highest form of self realisation. Srila Prabupada treated both of these as indifferent. He was aversed to the principle of sense gratification and attached to the principle of sense gratification and attached to the principle of surrender and devotion. By his compassion an mercy the people who was considered as untouchables become powerful vaishnavas. In Chaitanya caritamrta Ramananda Roy was not attracted and not aversed.

How Nara Narayana rishi was such power over the illusory energy and free from any pride and completely satisfied.

BG 18.66

Maya cannot touch a devotee who is surrendered to Krishna

BG 18.65
man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yājī māḿ namaskuru
mām evaiṣyasi satyaḿ te
pratijāne priyo 'si me


Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.

The obstacles impediments comes through Maya, cupids, devatas are to increase the devotion and fasten our way to our destination if we simply remain fixed in devotional service. Always remain in association of devotees and always remain strict in following the regulative principles chanting 16 rounds reading his books and hearing Srimad Bhagavatam always fix in the mood of humble servant, Maya cannot touch those devotees.

Serve with humility and gratitude


To come together in a holy place to hear, chant, pray and worship the Lord is not an ordinary thing. It is only after millions and millions of birth one gets contact with a Vaishnava. When that association is the seed of bakti that awakens the heart. There is no greater priority of our life than nourishing and protecting that seesd of bakti. Everything else will perish and everything else is an Illusion.

When the great Vaishnava Kuresh was asked for his vision to be restored, he did not want to see anything in this material world. It is all distraction, his only interest was to see the Supreme Lord, beautiful form and form of his spiritual master Sri Ramanuja charya.

In this world, life is about endless distraction, endless oppurtunities to forget our relationship wiht God. The world is created for this purpose. However Lord Brahma as explained in Srimad Bhagavatam, in the process it is essentially only suffering. Krishna says the pleasures of this world is the source of pain.

Maya promises happiness in such a way that breeds egotism, greed, lust, anger, pride and illusion. The vast majority of the population in the age of Kali are like the puppets to the three modes of nature. It is only possible to overcome the repetition of birth and death by receiving the mercy of Krishna through the Vaishnava.

Srimad Bhagavatam says the entire ocean of material creation is reduced small to one who surrenders to the Lord.

Who is really a Vaishnava?

One who considers hell and heaven to be the same. Vaishnava does not concern enjoying and suffering. His concern in any situation of life is immersed in ones consciousness, words, actions to the service of the Lord.

Story of Lord Sunder Bahu- He invited the followers of Ramanuja charya to come and eat his Maha prasad. The followers were enthusiastic and grateful to come. But Sundera Bahu noted that the disciples of Mahapurna did not attend. He asked them, they said you have called the followers of Ramanujacharya they are grand disciples of Maha purna and did not consier appropriate. The Lord Sundera Bahu explained to them that Ramanujacharya is not an ordinary devotee.

Although he is formally disciple of Mahapurna, Mahapurna himself worships Ramanujacharya . Once Mahapurna paid prostrated obeisances to Ramanujacharya and Ramanujacharya accepted it. The devotees were confused. How can a guru offer obeisances to the disciple Sripad Ramanujacharya. With humility revealed his heart. He said I may be the humble servant of Mahapurna who is the beloved of Yamunacharya, the guru of our life but he sees me as the representative of his guru. From his heard it pleases him to pay his dandavats to me. I accepted his obeisances simply for his pleasure as his servant.

Tulasi devi is the eternal servant of the Lord. Her eternal longing is to find her leaves at the lotus feed of the Lord. However we see in some or many temples of Narayan finds great pleasure in putting Tulasi on his head. Tulasi is very willing to be on Lords head if it pleases the Lord.

The formalities of Vaishnava etiquette are very very important to follow as a devotee.

What we learn from this story is what is the essence that everything the devotee does. It is our only duty or aspiration is to please the Lord. The purpose of all the rituals and the mantras, the purpose of everything in a spiritual or religious system is simple to please Krishna.

What please Krishna the most is pleasing the devotees. Etiquette is about pleasing the heard of the vaishnavas. If following strictly if we offend vaishnavas and we offend the heart of the devotee then we have undermined the whole purpose of what we are trying to do. The essence of all vaishnava ettiquette is humility. Humility is not the stereotype way of acting and speaking. Real humility is the spirit that arises from the intention of our heart to support ourselves to please Krishna and please devotees.

To be a compassionate of Krishna's mercy to the people of this world. Lord Chaitanya offered us his beautiful prayer

Trinad api...

If we want to chant the holy name which actually pleased Guru and Krishna that we must adopt in that spirit, feeling oneself as humble as the blade of grass. Having the tolerance, forgiveness more than the tree, eager to offer all respects to others and expect none in return sometimes when you dont want respect you get respect and it will be poison to our false ego, when it comes, we must immediately pass on to someone else otherwise it will cause spiritual death. However if you offer it to Guru and Vaishnavas of Krishna there is no danger.

Rishab hill ist he place where Lord Chaitanya met Paramanda puri who is his Guru's god brother. Lord Chaitanya honored and worshipped Paramanda puri. Paramanda puri honored Lord Chaitanya as the supreme personality of god head. But yet Lord Chaitanya offered his obeisances to Paramanda puri. He accepted his obeisances, he lifted Lord Chaitanya embraced him and blessed him.

Sandipani Muni knew Krishna is the Lord same Vishwamitra Muni knew Ramachandra is the Lord. They accepting Lord massaging the feet and Lord is doing minimal chores for them because it pleases them. Sometimes our Srila Prabupada would ask devotees to give class in his presence. Srila Prabupada said it will please me.

According to scripture to speak Siddantha in the presence of a Vaishnava is an offense. But neglecting the order of spiritual master is a bigger offense. So the devotee took class. He was not able to connect sentances and grammer. Everyone thought that was the worst class. Srila Prabupada said that was the wonderful class since he was trying to please the guru. It is not the matter of how skilled we are it is the matter of how sincere we are.

Lord Chaitanya at Rhysab hill visited da Paramanda Puri begged and asked him to stay with him in Jagannath Puri. Paramanada Puri said he will come to Puri just to please Lord Chaitanya. It is the parallel example we saw with Mahapurna and Sripad Ramanujacharya. Srirangam, Tripati, Sudara Bahu temple are the three most important temples of Sri Sampradaya.

It is said long ago Yamaraj was cursed and he came to perform tapasya and that form of the Lord appeared to be his worshipable diety. Sundera bahu said let the earthy devotee worship diety. Sundera bahu said let the earthy devotee worship me throughout the say and you can come every night at midnight to do the Puja. He is the worshippable diety of Yamaraj. If we worship this diety Yamaraj will lock the door of hellish planet and meet us in Vaikunta.

Sundar Bahu is also known as Sunderraj he is very special he holds 5 weapons- Conchell, chakra, club, swords/knives, bow and arrow. After Kuresh was blinded by Kulathunga first. He came to Sunder Bahu's temple. By Kulothunga orer the followers of Ramanujacharya were not allowed in Ranganath's temple one of the guards would let him in because of good qualities he possessed. Kuresh told the guard that whatever good qualities he has is by the mercy of guru therefore I will not come into the temple if you dont accept me as the disciple of Ramunajacharya. He came ot Sundera Bahu and worshipped him for 14 years.

He prayed to Sunderabahu that nobody else prayed for, he prayed to leave the diety. He worshipped the diety bue prayed please reunite me with my Guru Mahraj in Sri Rangam where he wants to live. This temple was constructed by Viswakarma at Satya yuga by a brahmins order. This was worshipped by Prthu Mahraj, Ambarish Mahraj and later by Vallaba Dev. Couple more pastimes of Sundarabahu temple where Kanyadhan of Meenakshi getting married to Lord Shiva. In the presence of Lord Krishna as her elder brother.

Ramanuja charya offering sweet rice (payasam) on behalf of Aandal since she could not visit that temple and later Aandal accepting Ramanujacharya as her elder brother.

Whatever experiance we have received we must be grateful. Grateful for Lordship, grateful for the pleasures and pains and grateful to each other and Srila Prabupada who is made it all possible.

Grateful heart is the heart where the seed of bakti grow. An ungrateful heart is like dry, unfertile soil. Even the best seed will struggle and practically die in that place. As it is said there is no sin greater than ingratitude.

The greatest help is those who support and help our Krishna Consciousness. Srila Prabupada was grateful to his neophyte devotee because they were helping his Guru Mahraj and he was eternally grateful.

How we should see each other if Prabupada was grateful to everybody if Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami is taking the dust of brand new devotee and what is our position with each other.

We are not coming to yatra to satisfy our own selfish ambitions. We are coming to become purified to please guru and Krishna to serve and more people more intimate yatras are not vacations to enjoy. They are experiances to internalize Krishna Consciousness. Standing in line in heat, body is aching and hungry is a good oppurtunity to pray to the diety. What ever situation comes upon us it is arranged by the Lord to go into deeper prayer deeper submission and deeper surrender.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Smashing the illusion of false ego


One who works in devotion who is a pure soul and who controls his mind and senses is dear to everyone and everyone is dear to him. One who is in the path of liberation by Krishna consciousness is very dear to every living being. This is due to his Krishna Consciousness such a person cannot think of anything being is seperate from Krishna. Just as the leaves and branches of the tree are not seperate from the tree.

One who works in KC is a servant ot all he is very dear to everyone because everyone is satisfied by his work, he is pure and consciousness. His mind is completely controlled. His senses are also controlled because his mind is always fixed on Krishna there is no chance of being deviated from Krishna.He does not hear anything except topics related to Krishna. He does not eat anything which is not offered to Krishna. He does not wish to go anywhere if Krishna is not involved. Therefore his senses are controlled. A man and woman of controlled senses cannot be offensive to anyone.

One may ask Why was Arjuna was offensive to others wasn't he is Krishna Consciousness?

Arjuna was only superficially offensive because as it is already explained in second chapter all the assembled persons in the battle field will continue to live individually as the soul cannot be slain so spiritually no one was killed on the battlefield of Kuruksetra only their dresses were changed by the order of Krishna. Such a person is never entangled in the reactions of worl.

In the 6th chapter Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that renunciation is not who does no work, but real renunciation is who performs his prescribed duties in devotion to Him. His devotion awakens within the heart through the association of the Lord and the devotees.

How do we associate with the Lord?

We have many deeply rooted propensities we must dovetail those propensities with Krishna in the center. Krishna being the formost father and mother of all living beings he is again and again providing facilities by which we could always keep him in the center of our lives. One of the greatest and deepest propensities of every living being is to find some excitement through the process of hearing.

How much money is spent, how much time and energy is spent on going to cinema, watching tv, seeing drama, reading books, gossiping, spreading rumors. The average man or woman's life is spent on this. The propensity to find excitement within our minds and hearts and within all our heart through this process of hearing is inate.

There fore the Lord is so kind that he personally descends in this world to perform the most extraordinary, unbelievable and transcendental activities that are simple wonderous and amazing to the mind. In by hearing there wonderful activities not only we find entertainment for the senses but we water the root of our existance by giving the highest pleasures to the soul.

In Srimad Bhagavatam one who takes great pleasures in hearing the pastimes, the glories and teachings of the supreme personality of God head more than anything else this gives pleasure to the Lord and within the heart he reciprocates by completely purifying all the impurities within you and establishing irrevokable love of God.

One who regularly hears the glories of the Lord and one who surrenders to the chanting the glories of the Lord, such a person becomes free from the clutches of all suffereing and attains the highest liberation of Prema (Love of God) so the Lord again and dagain out of causeless mercy gives us the chance to hear his glories.

Bhagavad Gita 4.8

paritrāṇāya sādhūnāḿ
vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām
sambhavāmi yuge yuge

He does not require adventing himself again and again to annihilate the miscreants. Within a moment he could send a stone from the sky and destroy a demon however powerful they are. He is within the heart of the most wicked with the Sudharshan chakra he can cut their heads and drop their head immediately he does not have to come to protect the pious, he could do this by his diving energy.

To reestablish the principles of religion he could empower his devotees. Externally there are the reasons but internally the real reason is to perform such wonderful, incredible pastimes, that will attract the minds of all in the world.

The story of boar incarnation - It is describe by Maitreya rishi to Vidura. The story to have a very relevant messsage for what is going on today in the world.

One time two great asuras were born in the world they are born to Kasyapa Muni and Diti.

How they were born is important to understand also.

Diti was feeling a great impulse to enjoy with Kashyapa Muni. they were in the forest, Kashyapa Muni said it is not an auspicious time, we should not do it. We should wait. She was not very inclined to wait. She was very firm. He agreed. Kashyapa Muni said because this was done not in the spirit of devotion but for the spirit of passion without consideration of time of place, very very evil wicked person will take birth in your womb.

In civilized society everything is done in control and everything is done in spirit of devotion. So as a result Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipyu was born and they performed greate tapasya and they were worshippers of demigods Brahma and Shiva.

They both gave great benedictions. Sometimes we see demoniac people worship God with great devotion. But the goal is not for uninterrupted service for power, prestige and control over others lives. They worshipped for other wrong reasons. By the worship they has tremendous strength and they conquered the entire universe. Hiranyaksha exploited the earth for his own sense gratification, When we exploit the earth from natural resources it looses the balance.

In those days the greates wealth was gold, therefore they were mining and mining for gold and the imbalance happened and the earth fell into the Garbadaksha ocean. The for this day is black gold (oil). If we pump the earth for oil for the evil sources of sense gratification without consideration of service to God we can understand there will be tremendous imbalance to the earch and will cause painful repurcussions.

So Hiranyaksha was stealing gold of the earth and therefore the earth was cast into the ocean of Garbodaksha. Hiranyaksha was going from place to place and challenged to fight. Then Indhra also hid from him. So he goes deep into the ocean he obtained Varuna dev and asked himi to fight. Varuna dev was peaceful he said you have already everything and why are you fighting again.

Senses will never be satisfied. Bhagavad Gita explains senses burn like fire they never be statiated by fuel they will grow hotter and burn. Varuna said he does not fight and recommended somebody to fight. All the sages went to Brahma and begged to do something. So Brahma meditated of Vishnu.

From Brahma to the insignificant insect we are all exclusively dependant on the mercy of the Lord at every moment for our survival. So there fore the great personalities they always remember that they are totally dependant on the Lord and they gratefully reciprocate the Lord by engaging in humble mode of service. That is knowledge to forget that is the source of all suffering. It is the cause of all bondage, suffering. That time a little creature came out of his nose. He was the size of the thumb, he grew to the size of the large mountain.

Brahma said he would be the Supreme Lord. Then Lord boar to encourage all he roared like mountain, he smiled, he glances his merciful look and he dived into the ocean and he lifted the earth with his tusk. He was so big.

Meanwhile Varuna explained to Hiranyaksha asking him to fight with Varaha dev. Srimad Bhagavatam asuras are so proud of the power they have and they become foolishly intoxicated that no one can defeat me even God himself. So they are not afraid to wage war against with someone who are millions of time powerful than them. This is the nature when ego becomes too much inflated with intoxication you loose all the intelligence. Hiranyaksha dove into the ocean and challenged Varahadev.

Lord Varahadev is like a mother, he wanted to take care of the earth. So he flew away with earth. So this insulted Hiranyaksha what sort of a person are you running away from fight. All these words hurted the Supreme Lord. Because we are his children.

He was willing to bear that pain to protect the earth.

We should be willing to bear any difficult any reversal. Srila Prabupad says when devotees go outsie and spread Krishna Conscious it is like Varaha to take the hearts of the conditional sould who are in suffering condition of darkness to life them out of the ocean.

In the process of doing that just like Lord Varaha you would be insulted, abused, attacked Lord Varaha tolerated all of these and put the earth on top of the ocean and turned to Hiranyaksha to fight. He fought for a long time ahd he was dead.

Of course supreme personality of Godhead could have killed him in a second but Lord fulfills everyones desire to some extent. The demon wanted to kill the Lord and the Lord let him think that for sometime. Just like a cat who kills the mouse.

After this Lord Varaha dev ascended into the sky and everyone glorified Him with beautiful prayers and He returned to eternal abode Vaikunta.

Sukadeva Goswami explains ho Maitreya Muni as he was describing this pastime to Vidura, he gave a benedication that anyone who would with sincere and submissive heart hears this wonderful narration of the appearance of Lord Varaha dev will find the presence of the Lord eternally manifested withing his life and even if one has committed the most of all horrible sins even if a man killed a saintly brahmin by hearing this submissively one is liberated by all sinful reaction opf all previous lives and attains the supreme position of the unmotivated uninterrupted loving service of the Lord.

So why is it we hear this stories again and again and we are still not liberated? and are constantly crushed by the reactiions of our past sins.

The true eagerness and desire to hear with the sincere and submissive heart only awaken when we accept the position of the humble servant of the great saints. When we hear from them with the honest and faithful heard and through that process the propensity to truly hear the Lords glory with sincere heart awakens. This is the great oppurtunity for everyone of us. We should take advantage by coming to the temple of the Lord and associating with the devotees and by reciprocating and engaging in devotional service.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Overcoming Lust


One who remembers the beautiful form of the Lord whose eyes resembles the lotus petals such person becomes purified.

What is purified?

The soul is essentially pure just as the sun and the sky. The rays of the sun gives light and beneficial to all living entities. When the sun is obscured by the clouds, the rays cannot be perceived. Similarly the beauty of the soul to be part of God cannot be perceived. Similarly the beauty of the soul to be part of God cannot be appreciated as long as it is covered by the cloud of ignorance.

Bhagavad Gita 15.7

mamaivamso jiva-loke
jiva-bhutah sanatanah
prakrti-sthani karsati

The spirit soul being part of Krishna have the qualities of Krishna. The cloud of the ignorance keeps the pure quality of the soul hidden. What we see are the symptoms of ignorance. Lust- Kama, Anger- Krodha, Greed-Lobha, envy-Matsara, illusion and pride. These six enemies of the soul are powerful because they are completely empowered by maya the illusionary energy. These six energies are unconquerable.

In Bhagavad Gita 7.14

daivi hy esa guna-mayi
mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye prapadyante
mayam etam taranti te

The material energy of all these energies are unconquerable. Lust is the greatest enemy. Krishna tells Arjuna in 3rd chapter where Arjuna asks why even if people knows the consequences and knows something is not right when engaged in certain activities. But there is a force withing us makes us to engage in abdominable things.

Bhagavad Gita 3.37

sri-bhagavan uvaca
kama esa krodha esa
mahasano maha-papma
viddhy enam iha vairinam

Luse is not erotic relationship with a woman. It is any desire that is seperate from God. Even pious people are victim of Kama and also religious people.

Bhagavad Gita 5.29

bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhrdam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam santim rcchati

Everything belongs to me all the planets are my property and you are my property. Everything is created for my enjoyment. Anything used for not His enjoyment is kama all powerfulsingle enemy of the entire world.

How to conquer this enemy?

There is a 100% method which the Supreme Lord shared. He sent to this world Lust personified - Ravana.

In the history of all creation Ravana was the emblem of all creation. Sita is the property of Ram. She is none other than Lakshmi devi. All the fortune of the world is the energy of Sita-Goddess of fortune.

Fortune is not simply money. Fortune means anything good. Like health, popularity, comfort in life, friendship, family. Anythign good or anythign we like is the energy of Lakshmi devi. She never leaves the foot of Lord Narayana. When we take the fortune of the world and seperate it from Vishnu for our own satisfaction. Lakshmi expands herself as Durga.

She constantly keeps those person under her control she keeps them inlind with her trient (three fold miseries).

Definition of Love is to assist Sita in affair with Lord Ram. Hanuman, and all residents of Ayodhya did. They had no false ego. Their only goal is to see Sita and Ram happy. But Ravana wanted to take Sita for himself. That is called Kama or Lust.

In Chaitanya caritramrtha love is the natural inclination of th soul who want to give pleasure to God. When that affection to God is misplaced and trying to enjoy for the property of God for our own self of interest the that Love is transformed to Lust. Love and Kama is the same energy within us.

When that energy is placed withing us is for God it is called Love. Ravana was very tricky about how he stole Sita with his mystic power.

Who is God?

God is Bhagavan who possesses all the oppulancs. Possesser of all wealth, all knowledge, all beauty, all fame, all strength, and all renumciation. That is God. The real guru is not the on who claims God but he is the instrument to serve God. So Ravana is worshipped as God in Lanka. He had many many mystic power than anybody today. He did not claim to be God, he claimed to be better than god.

When surpanaka told about the beauty of Sita, he told her that he will get her for him since he is the supreme enjoyer. No one has the right to enjoy that beautiful women except me.

Vibeeshan and other people said no since Ram is Bhagavan. Ravan said I am Bhagavan and I will destroy him. Everything is for my enjoymnt. So he disguised and stole away Sita. Valmiki says how Ram won ever Ravana.

This material energy, this Maya, this Kama is very difficult to overcome. But one who surenders to me I take the whole war in my hand. I will conquer that lust to me it is no difficult. That is what Krishna says in

Bhagavad Gita 7.19

bahunam janmanam ante
jnanavan mam prapadyate
vasudevah sarvam iti
sa mahatma su-durlabhah

After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.

After many births and deaths practicing many religious of the world and different paths of yoga one may come to the path of knowledge, he surrenders to Vasudeva, Krishna, Ram knowing him to be the cause of all causes. When we surrender we put ou lives into his hand under his protection. That is different between bakti and other yoga system. In the yoga system we ae trying to conquer the Ravana within our heart. Viswamitra muni, the greatest of all yogis but by Menaka the lust appeared. So by any process it is difficult to conquer Ravana within our heart.

But Krishna said In the process of bakti one can understand as I am

Bhagavad Gita 18.66

sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah

Om pavitra pavitranaan from Garuda Purana when we remember krishna he is non different than that rememberance.

Always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna.

In the presence of the sun, the darkness cannot exist, when we remembe God with devotion in our hearts, all the bad qualities all the illusions all ignorance is dispelled and that is why it is said in Ramayan, Bagavatam and all scriptures which teaches highest form of love which is Prema. Thee is no greater benedication than chanting the Holy name.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Eagerness and greedy for Krishna


10th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says how we can perceive Him and meditate on Him on daily basis. Krishna is the essence of everything that exists. He is the creator of all material and spiritual world.

He is the maintainer and destroyer as the paramatma he is seated within the heard of every living being and in and between every atom.

When the sages gathered together at the bank of Ganges Sukadeva Goswami speaking to Maharaj Parikshit every devotee was wrapt in attention. The attention and eagerness to hear that is how we benefit from Krishna Consciousness.

If our attention is so weak, someone is walking everyone turns towards the walking, that means we are weak in hearing the message of Krishna, if we are really concerned with the message of Krishna even if there is earthquake we would not turn away becase nothing is so important.

Nothing should divert us. Our anxiousness to hear is out quality to awaken Krishna within our hearts. Our attentiveness when Krishna sees that we are anxious to hear his message he reciprocated by clearing all our anarthas and purify our hearts. Our own spiritual mater Srila Prabupada he was so anxious to hear which was admired by Srila Bakti Siddhanta Saraswati Takur. Even if he did not understand he was fixed with attention during Krishna Katha.

"Fear is the begining of God Realization"

The sound vibration is transcendental that will purify our hearts. When Srila Prabupada was asked the translation of Gayathri mantra he gave as an instruction saying there is no need to understand the meaning because this is the transcendental vibration and meaning will revealed by Krishna withing the heart.

The essence of everything exists withing this material creation is Him. How to see him everywhere how to never forget Him and how to be in Krishna Consciousness. That is the goal of life.

In 10th chapter he explains how he is in every category of purifiers I am the wind.

How does the wind purify?

The wind in any situation but it is never contaminated by that situation. The wind can blow through a flower garden, it would appear to assume the fragrant of flower garden and same win goes to the area of sewage and it would appear to carry the smell of the sewage. The wind will travel to all places an it will always remain pure. The wind also destroys mountains, civilization but it remains aloof.

Vayu is empowered demigod not an ordinary devata. Hanuman incarnation of Vayu. What great quality he had he could deliver the rakshasas by his great devotioin and purify them. Later on he appeared as Bhima one of the most powerful.

In Kaliyuga he appeared as Madhava Charya. Through his strong logic and arguements he purified the world all the contamination and atheism. Vayu or pavana Krishna says that He is the source. We are always subjected to the wind in this way we can always remember Krishna. The breeze which purifies the fatigue and weak is Krishna.

If we understand this verse from Gita we will always remember Krishna.

Ram is the best of all warriors. Krishna says he is the strength of Ram. All these great warriors like Alexandar the Great, gets all the power from Krishna. He is the source of all the sakthi. So when he appears as Ram he reveals the Supreme embodiment of all strength and if we forget what ever oppulance and strength we have is given by God then we become like Ravana.

Similarly through the weapon of time and various forces of material existances the supreme personality of Godhead defeats all of us. The devotee understands the ultimate strength of everything is Krishna.

Of the flowing river I am the Ganges. The great persons throughout history they worship Ganges. Even the water people take in the bottle and purify and drink everyday. River Ganges originates from the lotus feet of Krishna.

What is it that is pure to Ganges?

It is connected to Krishna, whatever ever anybody tries to contaminate the essence because it is originated from Krishna. It is the caranamirth Krishna is giving such wonderful teaching so that we can appreciate hin and be conscious of his 24 hours a day.

Mahraj Parikshit had the darshan of Krishna in the womb of his mother and after that throughout his whole life he was just looking for Krishna everywhere and in everything. Because he was seeking everywhere Krishna reveals himself in everwhere and in everything. As we approach Krishna he will reveal us. In this world we will find Krishna because Krishna is non different than the rememberance of his transcendental self.

When we remember Krishna in the wind of this fan we actually find Krishna. When we remember Krishna in activity of man or woman we find Krishna. When we remember Krishna in activity of man or woman we find Krishna in the horrible situation of life. This is the qualification we all should acquire to be anxious to be eager. Rupa Goswami said to be greedy to find, remember, to serve Krishna everywhere. We should strive when we are hearing this message to be so anxious to experiance the mercy of Krishna in every wor we hear. This should be our attention when we chant our Holy name we should be eager and anxious to glorify Krishna and hear the sound of Krishna's name.

The degree of which you do, to that degree you will be purified. The real substance of Krishna Conscious to be conscious of Krishna to, remember Krishna in everything we do, everything we see and everything we experiance.

Why we are bored when we are performing devotional service like chanting, service, hearing lectures?

This is because we have a materialistic approach to our devotional service we are not seeking Krishna, we are forgetting Krishna.

Why we see movies and cinemas?

Because we are bored with time and you need to occupy with something adventurous. It is because we are dull and ignorant that we have to watch all these movies which is horror, special effects, murder. If we are in Krishna Consciousness and looking for Krishna, anxious in looking for Krishna he will reveal the most adventure at every moment of your life. If we are not able to see Krishna means we are not looking for it.

With proper training we can experiance Krishna through hearing and chanting. Haridas Takur through hearing and chanting. Haridas Takur was chanting 192 rounds everyday and he was not bored. Srila Prabupada is like Sukadeva Goswami he just spoke the truth.

Every activity we perform in our devotional life, Krishna will reveal himself accoring to our eagerness, attentiveness. To remember Krishna is that activity to remember and please Krishna in that activity.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Books are the basis - Studying Srimad Bhagavatam


Bhagavad Gita 4.7

yadā yadā hi dharmasya
glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya
tadātmānaḿ sṛjāmy aham


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion — at that time I descend Myself.

Lord Krishna came in order to give light to the world of darkness. In spiritual world everything giver effulgence and gives light. Light means knowledge. He gives Bhagavad Gita to give light to all living being.

How mother earth cried to Brahma. Krishna saved the innocent creatures who were in the clutches of the demoniac kings. Through his transcedental lila all the sincere/pious souls were given the oppurtunity of pure devotional service.

Kali could not enter when Lord Krishna was here. The sages of Naimasaranya where asking Suta Goswami where we will find light. How to protect all the people from the age of kali.

Suta Goswami said now the Lord Krishna has left he has descended in the pure transcendental vibration of Srimad Bhagavatam. This is the incarnation in the age of Kali. This is the purest of all spiritual literature. This have descened specifically to give light to all the living beings in the age of Kali.

Srimad Bhagavatam systematically brings down the elementary level of spiritual life to the highest form. Srimad Bagavatam must be regularly studied daily.

The glory of Srimad Bhagavatam kicks out all kaitava dharma, sub religious principles and it deals with Prema bakti(pure devotional service) to Lord Hari. Srimad Bhagavatam is the narration of the exalted souls like Narada Muni, Prthu, Prahlad, Ambarish Mahraj. We read these divine stages of how they attained perfection. How they served the Lord with heartful of sacrifice and surrener and how they freed from all material motivation and accepted all inconvenience.

Srimad Bhagavatam is the picture to the spiritual world step by step from the lowest state to higher state. Srimad Bhagavatam must be studied under the self realized soul step by step.

People take Krishna cheaply because they dont understand the philosophy and jump to Rasa Lila. Srila Bakti Siddantha Saraswati Takur described first verse of Bhagavatam for one month twice a da.

Frist we must establish that there is a God and he is the Absolute truth and greatness and glory of how he is maintaining/creating and destroying everything. We must develop fear of God and respect for God dand we humble ourselves understanding our insignificant position and we become his servant. When we understand what the great souls have gone through to get Lords mercy (dhruva and prahlad)

We can enter to the Lila of the Lord by simply hearing Bhagavatam. It is non different from the body of Krishna

Proper devotee never approaches the head of Krishna, he always approaches the lotus feet. One approaches a diety, a vaishnava first meditate on the lotus feet and gradually go through his calves, knees, chest, arms and flute and gradual respectful obeisances finally behold the face of Radha Gopinath.

vandae guroh sri caran aravindam- we say we worship the lotus feed not the face of spiritual master.

First and second canto is the lotus feed of Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Prabupada's explanation of why we can read any canto of Srimad Bhagavatam his purport is designed that anybody reads will understand the philosophy.

The book Bagavatam and the person bhagavad are non different so well distribute the literature by performing acts of devotion based on the principal of this great scripture the same effect is achieved. So therefore the responsibility of every devotee is to imbibe within the hearts the words of the Bhagavatam and by acting in surrender and devotion in whatever service we rener we can assist the Lord by giving light in the age of kali. Thus the ultimate benediction of Chaitanya Mahaprabu we can carry where ever we go and distribute it.

The final verse of Bhagavatam - Nam Sankirtanam describes that in this age of Kali simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna all sins are destroyed and ultimate benediction of pure love is achieved.

Vyasadev ends Bhagavatam with this sloka. The perfection of our life is in giving of what we received.

When we read Bhagavatam we should accept as Krishna himself directly speaking to me through the lips of Srila Prabupada and great Acharyas Krishna reveals himself if we approach him. If we take him granted or if we treat him cheaply he will reveal himself in the same way to you.

Someone puts Srimad Bhagavatam in the book shelf and never even reads it, just the presence of the book within his heart and within his home will radiate such pure spiriutal energy on a subtle level his whole house hold will become purified by the spiritual emanations coming from that book and there is a guarantee that the person will become a devotee sometime as far as possible we should educate them

If we do not read or understand the books we cannot distribute these books.

Give up envy and cooperate


Indra could not tolerate Kind Prthu's sacrifice. One who is in a leadership is in a great role of responsibility. It is to perform work which is exemplary to the ultimate purpose of life which is to please Krishna.

However if we are successful in the material worlds is all temporary and will become extinct by the passage of time. We think we are the doer of activity and we become pride infactuated by the success.

In the light of eternity everything is insignificant.

Bhagavad Gita 3.27

prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate


The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

If we please Krishna of what ever we do it is eternal. Anything we do without Krishna it will create entanglement to this material world. Even if we offer little leaf to Krishna it is immortal that offering will remain forever. Krishna will remember forever.

If the parents train their children to use the home as place of sacrifice that family is blessed by Krishna and that family life is better than brahmachari life. It is the spiritual home where Krishna is pleased. That home is Vaikunta. Mahraj Prthu considered all his citizens as children and they loved their citizens. So he wnated to perform the sacrifice for citizend benefit.

Mahraj Prthu pleased Krishna everthing was so prosperous. Everthing was in abundance. No one was greedy they were satisfied.

For Kaliyuga the congregational chanting is the only recommeneded sacrifice. Mahraj Prthu is performing 99th Asvamedha yagya, Indhra had done 100 yagyas. So Indhra has become envious of King Prthu.

Indhra considered Prthu Mahraj as his competitor. Indhra is a devotee but still has some material desires. This is called karma nishva bakti where you worship Lord Krishna and at the same time you have many material motivation. Still they have envy and not sudha baktas.

The more we have the more we are inclined to the envious of others. If we work so hard for the high position we are that much attached to what you have and that much fearful that you may loose it. That much envious of someone who may take it from you. That is why Srila Prabupada taught about simple living and high thinking

If we understand that we are not the doer then there will be no envy.

In our life if we do an inventory what ever we are excelling at we do not like anyone else to compete with us. If someone appears to be better we would get intolerable when somebody has a good position and enjoy the sense gratification we cannot tolerate somebody competing.

The Vaishnava will see everyone to do better. They do the best possibly can to encourage everyone to do better .That is vaikunta consciousness. That is the mood of the servant. The servant is not better than master. Prabu means master and we are servant.

The joy of the soul is to encourage others and inspire them. When our heart gets pleased when others do wonderfully then it is real satisfaction. Until we come to that platform of service we cannot experiance the joy of Krishna consciousness.

Krishna is pleased if we perform an action in the mood of humble servant of servant to the Lord.

When we see the Lord is please with someone we are pleased. We are pleased that the Lord is pleased. Lord sees that we are pleased by others service, He gets please that we are not envious and competetive.

Are you doing service to glorify your false ego or to please Krishna?

Indhra tries to stop this sacrifice just to protect his false ego. He is a great soul and not an ordinary living being. When the ego becomes infactuate we become indifferent to the welfare of others. Just to ensure his position as a kind he does not mind the whole world to suffer. That is the nature of the ego/envy.

So Indhra stold the sacrificial horst and the son went looking for the horse. The real wealth is renunciation. So the king take the subordinate position than the sadhus the spiritual civilization is a society of people who honor the greatest wealth, renunciation, knowledge and devotion.

Atri Muni found that the Indra is bogus sadhu and sadhu would not steal the horse. We dont judge people by the clothes they wear we judge by the quality of their heart. Hare Krishna movement is the heart of honesty, sincerity, humility and devotion to Krishna and chanting the holy name. What ever the great people do the common people follow.

Lord Brahma appeared when Prthu maharaj himself went to kill Indhra. He asked Prthu mahraj to stop the sacrifice at 99 and cooperate with Indhra. Mahraj Prthu became famous by not doing the yagya anymore. He was willing to renounce it for the pleasure of Krishna

Srila Prabupada told show love by cooperating. Cooperation is not doing everything best for me and make everyone happy.

Cooperation is willing to sacrifice/renounce something that you could ordinarily enjoy for the purpose of Guru and Krishna.

You think you are right take a humble position and accept the other person is doing simply because it is the best for the overall mission of the Lord.

Love, trust, harmony and compassion not by competition. Real cooperation is sacrifice and not to make offense to vaishnavas to secure our position.

Mahraj Prthu sacrificed for the benefit of all. Lord Vishnu came to see Mahraj Prthu. Working together - I must sacrifice my egoistic ideas for the benefit of cooperation. The world may not see but Guru and Krishna will see.

Once you fall by offending a vaishnava people will not remember. Never to offend a devotee and createa tense atmosphere simply for our own recognition.

The importance of determination

Lecture Location:

Lecture notes:

In Bhagavad Gita chapter 6.19

yathā dīpo nivāta-stho
neńgate sopamā smṛtā
yogino yata-cittasya
yuñjato yogam ātmanaḥ


As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent self.


A truly Kṛṣṇa conscious person, always absorbed in transcendence, in constant undisturbed meditation on his worshipable Lord, is as steady as a lamp in a windless place.

All of the aspects of yoga system are meant to gradually elevate the consciousness of self realization. Essentially yoga is to fix our mind or control the mind in the Absolute truth.

Bhagavad Gita 6.47

yoginām api sarveṣāḿ
śraddhāvān bhajate yo māḿ
sa me yuktatamo mataḥ


And of all yogīs, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me — he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion.

Krishna compares mind to a lamp. Mind is always influencedd by the environments.
Environment- wind

Uncontrolled mind is the lamp which is influenced by the current of the mind. But for a yogi, his mind is a lamp in windless place. His faith and determination to serve the Lord is not disturbed.

Bagavad Gita 2.13

mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya
āgamāpāyino 'nityās
tāḿs titikṣasva bhārata

O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.

The dualities of material existance are temporary. One should learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. Srila Prabupada says our determination to server the Lord, our determination to preserve the vows to the Lord remain intact of whatever difficulties come upon us.

Determination if we dont have them you are an animal. To discriminate what is wrong and be determined to do what is right.

Arjun with so many impediments came in the battle he lost his son Abimanyu. Krishna says not to lament for living and dead and also we should be tolerant about the dualities.

Why Arjuna was disturbed in the battle when his son died?

Becoming a pure vaishnava is not becoming inhuman. The real duty of the parent is not to make the child appear again.

The parents should inspire the children so they love and serve Krishna.

But Arjuna despite his seperation from his son, he carried on the battle of Kuruksetra. This determination his faith and to server the Lord was carried on.

Doing service only when it is convenient for us and to make ourselves happy.

Watering the root will satisfy the whole tree, eating for the stomach will satisfy the whole body. Pleasing Krishna is the perfection of life. If we please Krishna life is successful if you please everyone else and not krishna it is a failure.

If we take shelter of Guru and Krishna and other vaishnavas
Bagavad Gita 9.22

ananyāś cintayanto māḿ
ye janāḥ paryupāsate
teṣāḿ nityābhiyuktānāḿ
yoga-kṣemaḿ vahāmy aham


But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.

Whatever winds blow our life and whatever obstacles or tempations come into our service

Bagavad Gita 7.14

daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī
mama māyā duratyayā
mām eva ye prapadyante
māyām etāḿ taranti te


This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.

Surrender - Honest, willingness, sincere to follow with determination Krishna will help us

If we are determined to do the right thing in the right association, Krishna will help us under all circumstances to achieve that perfectional state.

Despite what comes the flame of aspiration or determination should not be disturbed. That is the light of our hear that gives us direction. Faith can help us overcome obstacles.

Srimad Bagavatam is with examples of great personalities who has attained tis state of consciousness. Dhruva Mahraj, Prahlad Mahraj, Srila Haridas Takur.

Only gentle man will admit the defeat. Haridas Takur is tolerant he just followed the will of the Lord.

Mahraj narrates the whole story of Haridas takur

The story of Damodar Lila The rope was always two fingers short. One finger is the devotees endeavor, second finger is the mercy of Krishna. Both is required. We must endeavor with all our determination.

Bhagavad Gita 4.11

ye yathā māḿ prapadyante
tāḿs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
mama vartmānuvartante
manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ


As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pṛthā.

Krishna reciprocates our endeavor by mercy and that mercy will save us.

Great stories of Sage Vishwamitra Muni. He had strong minds of determination but ultimately Maya overcame them because they did not have mercy of Krishna.

Goswamis always begging for mercy. Humility and determination will make bakti grow without hindrance.

Mother Ganges example - How she continues to flow inspite of blocked by mountains, trees, rocks.

Kunti's prayers - Oh Krishna son of Madhu let my attraction to you be ever flowing to you without being diverted to anywhere else.

story of Lord Chaitanya's mercy to the drunkards witnessed by Srivas takur

We must show sincerity to receive this mercy. A vow of determination to tolerate the temptations that come on for serving the Guru and Krishna,

Bhagavad Gita 18.65

man-manā bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yājī māḿ namaskuru
mām evaiṣyasi satyaḿ te
pratijāne priyo 'si me


Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me. Thus you will come to Me without fail. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.

The justified mind is the worst enemy and controlled mind is the best friend.

Quotes from lecture:

Determination if we dont have them you are an animal.

To discriminate what is wrong and be determined to do what is right

The real duty of the parent is not to make the child appear again.

The parents should inspire the children so they love and serve Krishna.

Humility and determination will make bakti grow without hindrance.

Only gentle man will admit the defeat

The justified mind is the worst enemy and controlled mind is the best friend

Krishna reciprocates our endeavor by mercy and that mercy will save us.

Surrender - Honest, willingness, sincere to follow with determination Krishna will help us