Thursday, June 23, 2011

Books are the basis - Studying Srimad Bhagavatam


Bhagavad Gita 4.7

yadā yadā hi dharmasya
glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya
tadātmānaḿ sṛjāmy aham


Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion — at that time I descend Myself.

Lord Krishna came in order to give light to the world of darkness. In spiritual world everything giver effulgence and gives light. Light means knowledge. He gives Bhagavad Gita to give light to all living being.

How mother earth cried to Brahma. Krishna saved the innocent creatures who were in the clutches of the demoniac kings. Through his transcedental lila all the sincere/pious souls were given the oppurtunity of pure devotional service.

Kali could not enter when Lord Krishna was here. The sages of Naimasaranya where asking Suta Goswami where we will find light. How to protect all the people from the age of kali.

Suta Goswami said now the Lord Krishna has left he has descended in the pure transcendental vibration of Srimad Bhagavatam. This is the incarnation in the age of Kali. This is the purest of all spiritual literature. This have descened specifically to give light to all the living beings in the age of Kali.

Srimad Bhagavatam systematically brings down the elementary level of spiritual life to the highest form. Srimad Bagavatam must be regularly studied daily.

The glory of Srimad Bhagavatam kicks out all kaitava dharma, sub religious principles and it deals with Prema bakti(pure devotional service) to Lord Hari. Srimad Bhagavatam is the narration of the exalted souls like Narada Muni, Prthu, Prahlad, Ambarish Mahraj. We read these divine stages of how they attained perfection. How they served the Lord with heartful of sacrifice and surrener and how they freed from all material motivation and accepted all inconvenience.

Srimad Bhagavatam is the picture to the spiritual world step by step from the lowest state to higher state. Srimad Bhagavatam must be studied under the self realized soul step by step.

People take Krishna cheaply because they dont understand the philosophy and jump to Rasa Lila. Srila Bakti Siddantha Saraswati Takur described first verse of Bhagavatam for one month twice a da.

Frist we must establish that there is a God and he is the Absolute truth and greatness and glory of how he is maintaining/creating and destroying everything. We must develop fear of God and respect for God dand we humble ourselves understanding our insignificant position and we become his servant. When we understand what the great souls have gone through to get Lords mercy (dhruva and prahlad)

We can enter to the Lila of the Lord by simply hearing Bhagavatam. It is non different from the body of Krishna

Proper devotee never approaches the head of Krishna, he always approaches the lotus feet. One approaches a diety, a vaishnava first meditate on the lotus feet and gradually go through his calves, knees, chest, arms and flute and gradual respectful obeisances finally behold the face of Radha Gopinath.

vandae guroh sri caran aravindam- we say we worship the lotus feed not the face of spiritual master.

First and second canto is the lotus feed of Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Prabupada's explanation of why we can read any canto of Srimad Bhagavatam his purport is designed that anybody reads will understand the philosophy.

The book Bagavatam and the person bhagavad are non different so well distribute the literature by performing acts of devotion based on the principal of this great scripture the same effect is achieved. So therefore the responsibility of every devotee is to imbibe within the hearts the words of the Bhagavatam and by acting in surrender and devotion in whatever service we rener we can assist the Lord by giving light in the age of kali. Thus the ultimate benediction of Chaitanya Mahaprabu we can carry where ever we go and distribute it.

The final verse of Bhagavatam - Nam Sankirtanam describes that in this age of Kali simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna all sins are destroyed and ultimate benediction of pure love is achieved.

Vyasadev ends Bhagavatam with this sloka. The perfection of our life is in giving of what we received.

When we read Bhagavatam we should accept as Krishna himself directly speaking to me through the lips of Srila Prabupada and great Acharyas Krishna reveals himself if we approach him. If we take him granted or if we treat him cheaply he will reveal himself in the same way to you.

Someone puts Srimad Bhagavatam in the book shelf and never even reads it, just the presence of the book within his heart and within his home will radiate such pure spiriutal energy on a subtle level his whole house hold will become purified by the spiritual emanations coming from that book and there is a guarantee that the person will become a devotee sometime as far as possible we should educate them

If we do not read or understand the books we cannot distribute these books.

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