Friday, June 24, 2011

Eagerness and greedy for Krishna


10th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says how we can perceive Him and meditate on Him on daily basis. Krishna is the essence of everything that exists. He is the creator of all material and spiritual world.

He is the maintainer and destroyer as the paramatma he is seated within the heard of every living being and in and between every atom.

When the sages gathered together at the bank of Ganges Sukadeva Goswami speaking to Maharaj Parikshit every devotee was wrapt in attention. The attention and eagerness to hear that is how we benefit from Krishna Consciousness.

If our attention is so weak, someone is walking everyone turns towards the walking, that means we are weak in hearing the message of Krishna, if we are really concerned with the message of Krishna even if there is earthquake we would not turn away becase nothing is so important.

Nothing should divert us. Our anxiousness to hear is out quality to awaken Krishna within our hearts. Our attentiveness when Krishna sees that we are anxious to hear his message he reciprocated by clearing all our anarthas and purify our hearts. Our own spiritual mater Srila Prabupada he was so anxious to hear which was admired by Srila Bakti Siddhanta Saraswati Takur. Even if he did not understand he was fixed with attention during Krishna Katha.

"Fear is the begining of God Realization"

The sound vibration is transcendental that will purify our hearts. When Srila Prabupada was asked the translation of Gayathri mantra he gave as an instruction saying there is no need to understand the meaning because this is the transcendental vibration and meaning will revealed by Krishna withing the heart.

The essence of everything exists withing this material creation is Him. How to see him everywhere how to never forget Him and how to be in Krishna Consciousness. That is the goal of life.

In 10th chapter he explains how he is in every category of purifiers I am the wind.

How does the wind purify?

The wind in any situation but it is never contaminated by that situation. The wind can blow through a flower garden, it would appear to assume the fragrant of flower garden and same win goes to the area of sewage and it would appear to carry the smell of the sewage. The wind will travel to all places an it will always remain pure. The wind also destroys mountains, civilization but it remains aloof.

Vayu is empowered demigod not an ordinary devata. Hanuman incarnation of Vayu. What great quality he had he could deliver the rakshasas by his great devotioin and purify them. Later on he appeared as Bhima one of the most powerful.

In Kaliyuga he appeared as Madhava Charya. Through his strong logic and arguements he purified the world all the contamination and atheism. Vayu or pavana Krishna says that He is the source. We are always subjected to the wind in this way we can always remember Krishna. The breeze which purifies the fatigue and weak is Krishna.

If we understand this verse from Gita we will always remember Krishna.

Ram is the best of all warriors. Krishna says he is the strength of Ram. All these great warriors like Alexandar the Great, gets all the power from Krishna. He is the source of all the sakthi. So when he appears as Ram he reveals the Supreme embodiment of all strength and if we forget what ever oppulance and strength we have is given by God then we become like Ravana.

Similarly through the weapon of time and various forces of material existances the supreme personality of Godhead defeats all of us. The devotee understands the ultimate strength of everything is Krishna.

Of the flowing river I am the Ganges. The great persons throughout history they worship Ganges. Even the water people take in the bottle and purify and drink everyday. River Ganges originates from the lotus feet of Krishna.

What is it that is pure to Ganges?

It is connected to Krishna, whatever ever anybody tries to contaminate the essence because it is originated from Krishna. It is the caranamirth Krishna is giving such wonderful teaching so that we can appreciate hin and be conscious of his 24 hours a day.

Mahraj Parikshit had the darshan of Krishna in the womb of his mother and after that throughout his whole life he was just looking for Krishna everywhere and in everything. Because he was seeking everywhere Krishna reveals himself in everwhere and in everything. As we approach Krishna he will reveal us. In this world we will find Krishna because Krishna is non different than the rememberance of his transcendental self.

When we remember Krishna in the wind of this fan we actually find Krishna. When we remember Krishna in activity of man or woman we find Krishna. When we remember Krishna in activity of man or woman we find Krishna in the horrible situation of life. This is the qualification we all should acquire to be anxious to be eager. Rupa Goswami said to be greedy to find, remember, to serve Krishna everywhere. We should strive when we are hearing this message to be so anxious to experiance the mercy of Krishna in every wor we hear. This should be our attention when we chant our Holy name we should be eager and anxious to glorify Krishna and hear the sound of Krishna's name.

The degree of which you do, to that degree you will be purified. The real substance of Krishna Conscious to be conscious of Krishna to, remember Krishna in everything we do, everything we see and everything we experiance.

Why we are bored when we are performing devotional service like chanting, service, hearing lectures?

This is because we have a materialistic approach to our devotional service we are not seeking Krishna, we are forgetting Krishna.

Why we see movies and cinemas?

Because we are bored with time and you need to occupy with something adventurous. It is because we are dull and ignorant that we have to watch all these movies which is horror, special effects, murder. If we are in Krishna Consciousness and looking for Krishna, anxious in looking for Krishna he will reveal the most adventure at every moment of your life. If we are not able to see Krishna means we are not looking for it.

With proper training we can experiance Krishna through hearing and chanting. Haridas Takur through hearing and chanting. Haridas Takur was chanting 192 rounds everyday and he was not bored. Srila Prabupada is like Sukadeva Goswami he just spoke the truth.

Every activity we perform in our devotional life, Krishna will reveal himself accoring to our eagerness, attentiveness. To remember Krishna is that activity to remember and please Krishna in that activity.

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