Thursday, June 23, 2011

Give up envy and cooperate


Indra could not tolerate Kind Prthu's sacrifice. One who is in a leadership is in a great role of responsibility. It is to perform work which is exemplary to the ultimate purpose of life which is to please Krishna.

However if we are successful in the material worlds is all temporary and will become extinct by the passage of time. We think we are the doer of activity and we become pride infactuated by the success.

In the light of eternity everything is insignificant.

Bhagavad Gita 3.27

prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni
guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ
kartāham iti manyate


The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

If we please Krishna of what ever we do it is eternal. Anything we do without Krishna it will create entanglement to this material world. Even if we offer little leaf to Krishna it is immortal that offering will remain forever. Krishna will remember forever.

If the parents train their children to use the home as place of sacrifice that family is blessed by Krishna and that family life is better than brahmachari life. It is the spiritual home where Krishna is pleased. That home is Vaikunta. Mahraj Prthu considered all his citizens as children and they loved their citizens. So he wnated to perform the sacrifice for citizend benefit.

Mahraj Prthu pleased Krishna everthing was so prosperous. Everthing was in abundance. No one was greedy they were satisfied.

For Kaliyuga the congregational chanting is the only recommeneded sacrifice. Mahraj Prthu is performing 99th Asvamedha yagya, Indhra had done 100 yagyas. So Indhra has become envious of King Prthu.

Indhra considered Prthu Mahraj as his competitor. Indhra is a devotee but still has some material desires. This is called karma nishva bakti where you worship Lord Krishna and at the same time you have many material motivation. Still they have envy and not sudha baktas.

The more we have the more we are inclined to the envious of others. If we work so hard for the high position we are that much attached to what you have and that much fearful that you may loose it. That much envious of someone who may take it from you. That is why Srila Prabupada taught about simple living and high thinking

If we understand that we are not the doer then there will be no envy.

In our life if we do an inventory what ever we are excelling at we do not like anyone else to compete with us. If someone appears to be better we would get intolerable when somebody has a good position and enjoy the sense gratification we cannot tolerate somebody competing.

The Vaishnava will see everyone to do better. They do the best possibly can to encourage everyone to do better .That is vaikunta consciousness. That is the mood of the servant. The servant is not better than master. Prabu means master and we are servant.

The joy of the soul is to encourage others and inspire them. When our heart gets pleased when others do wonderfully then it is real satisfaction. Until we come to that platform of service we cannot experiance the joy of Krishna consciousness.

Krishna is pleased if we perform an action in the mood of humble servant of servant to the Lord.

When we see the Lord is please with someone we are pleased. We are pleased that the Lord is pleased. Lord sees that we are pleased by others service, He gets please that we are not envious and competetive.

Are you doing service to glorify your false ego or to please Krishna?

Indhra tries to stop this sacrifice just to protect his false ego. He is a great soul and not an ordinary living being. When the ego becomes infactuate we become indifferent to the welfare of others. Just to ensure his position as a kind he does not mind the whole world to suffer. That is the nature of the ego/envy.

So Indhra stold the sacrificial horst and the son went looking for the horse. The real wealth is renunciation. So the king take the subordinate position than the sadhus the spiritual civilization is a society of people who honor the greatest wealth, renunciation, knowledge and devotion.

Atri Muni found that the Indra is bogus sadhu and sadhu would not steal the horse. We dont judge people by the clothes they wear we judge by the quality of their heart. Hare Krishna movement is the heart of honesty, sincerity, humility and devotion to Krishna and chanting the holy name. What ever the great people do the common people follow.

Lord Brahma appeared when Prthu maharaj himself went to kill Indhra. He asked Prthu mahraj to stop the sacrifice at 99 and cooperate with Indhra. Mahraj Prthu became famous by not doing the yagya anymore. He was willing to renounce it for the pleasure of Krishna

Srila Prabupada told show love by cooperating. Cooperation is not doing everything best for me and make everyone happy.

Cooperation is willing to sacrifice/renounce something that you could ordinarily enjoy for the purpose of Guru and Krishna.

You think you are right take a humble position and accept the other person is doing simply because it is the best for the overall mission of the Lord.

Love, trust, harmony and compassion not by competition. Real cooperation is sacrifice and not to make offense to vaishnavas to secure our position.

Mahraj Prthu sacrificed for the benefit of all. Lord Vishnu came to see Mahraj Prthu. Working together - I must sacrifice my egoistic ideas for the benefit of cooperation. The world may not see but Guru and Krishna will see.

Once you fall by offending a vaishnava people will not remember. Never to offend a devotee and createa tense atmosphere simply for our own recognition.

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